By fire safety we mean all the measures for fire protection which are provided by the legislation of each country.

Inspection and maintenance of fire extinguishers is mandatory once a year.

The Administrator of the apartment building is criminally responsible for the non-observance of the passive and active fire protection-active measures and means.

So, we easily understand that it is a service that must pay special attention because it concerns the security of the building and tenants.

INTECK SERVICE by calling at 210 68 25 691 may:

  • Supply you with all types of fire extinguishers at the best prices with ISO 9001 APPROVAL from the European Union


  • Take responsibility for the control, maintenance, and timely refilling of your fire extinguishers
  • Trust our worthy partners and relax.
Πυροσβεστήρες - Πυρασφάλεια